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Good Tree Service Presents: Tree of The Week


The History of the White Oak has Strong Roots in NJ

Beautiful White Oak credit:getty images

Good Tree & Stump Removal is starting a Tree of the Week Informative Series and this week we are highlighting the mighty White Oak!

Did you know?

  • The White Oak is a hardwood species found in eastern and central North America

  • Specimens of the White Oak have been documented to be over 450 years old! Wow.

  • Although we call it a White Oak, the bark is usually light grey in color

  • So why is it called a White Oak then? Glad you asked. The name comes from the color of the finished wood

  • How high do White Oaks grow? Typically they reach heights of 80-100ft at maturity

  • White Oaks make the perfect shade tree due to their massive canopy and lateral lower branches that run parallel to the ground

  • White Oak wood is commonly used in oak barrels. Can you guess what the oak barrels are used for? Yep. Aging wine of course!

  • Oak barrels are also used for aging Bourbon and Whiskey which is a federal mandate

  • White Oaks are also both a flower and acorn producing tree but you may have to wait 20 years before you see them produce acorns

  • The White Oak is also the state tree for 3 states? Can you guess which states?

If you guessed Illinois, Connecticut and Maryland you are smarter than a 5th grader! #FunFactFridays

Hometown History

There are so many fun facts about the White Oak Tree but our favorite fact is that Basking Ridge, NJ was home to the "The Great White Oak" which was estimated to have been over 600 years old when it died in 2016. Since NJ is our home state we wanted to expand on this fact with some Hometown History.

Basking Ridge White Oak. Gone but not forgotten. credit: reddit

  • The Basking Ridge White Oak is nicknamed "Holy Oak"

  • The Basking Ridge White Oak claimed to be the oldest in the USA, started to decline in the mid 2010's

  • The Basking Ridge White Oak was located in the historical graveyard of the Presbyterian Church

  • George Washington picnicked under this tree with Layfette. Remember Layfette? He was the French aristocrat and military officer that fought in the American Revolutionary War

  • Layfette's French troops marched by this tree in 1781 on their route to Yorktown and Virginia which became the battle we all know as "The Siege of Yorktown"

  • Holy Oak died in 2016 and was taken down over a 3 day ceremony in 2017

  • In it's place a young White Oak grown from an acorn of the old tree was planted in the Churchyard

We hope you enjoyed learning about the White Oak this week and we look forward to sharing more with you!

If you are interested in tree services feel free to reach to us at anytime via email or call our office.

P: 732-905-4462



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